The strength is in our ingredients
Only ingredients of natural origin selected to take care of your health under the guidance of proven clinical studies and scientific publications.
● Simple. Safe. Effective.
● 100% Natural Philosophy
● 100% Made in Italy
The natural help without side effects
Nutraceuticals, a word born from the combination of nutrition and pharmaceuticals, is a category of food products that have a beneficial effect on human health. As if they were "drugs", some foods in fact can interact in a positive way with our health in a completely natural way and without side effects.
Blog posts
Summer insomnia: 3 tips for sleeping well
Summer insomnia, as the name implies, appears with the increase in temperatures and the lengthening of the days in the hottest season of the year. Habits...
Anxiety and insomnia: can lack of sleep cause anxiety?
Anxiety insomnia: can lack of sleep cause anxiety? The relationship that exists between anxiety and insomnia inevitably leads back to the age-old and...
Why is good sleep important for health?
Many internal and external factors can upset the balance of sleep, and this disfavors complete regeneration. It means that in the morning we will already...
Awakenings at night: tips and remedies to avoid sleepless nights!
Have youever had sudden nocturnal awakenings during the night? Causes can vary, and involve both the physical and emotional sphere. Whatever the causes, if...
Insomnia and stress: that's why they are linked
Have you ever suffered from insomnia and experienced anxiety and agitation during the day? This is because the two conditions act in a deleterious synergy, a...
How to deal with New Year's anxiety and stress
The new year is almost upon us, there are very few hours left until the end of 2021, and we cannot help but rethink the year just ended, the joys and...
Valerian: the natural help against insomnia
September has now arrived and summer is just a memory, happy but far away! The holidays are over and anxiety and worries take over. You return to normalcy...
Muscle or joint pain? fight inflammation naturally!
Joint and muscle pains are among the most common and underestimated. Everyone at least once in their life has suffered from it from age and from which can be...
Loxicor: a natural help against the dangers of high levels of cholesterol
High cholesterol represents one of the risk factors for cardiovascular disease and is one of the indicators of the health of the circulatory system....
The right ally to enjoy the spring
Spring is almost here, the sun is shining, days are starting to get longer. Our desire to go out, walk in the park, breathe some fresh mountain air or listen...